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  I Don't Remember Getting Old
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NOW also by Margie Jenkins

 The new YOU ONLY DIE ONCE Course

 Published and Distributed by The Life Connection (TLC) Foundation.

The You Only Die Once Course is a warm-hearted, sensitive program relating to a subject that affects every human being in the world today...death.  One ends.

This interactive course takes a light-hearted approach to a serious topic, demystifying end-of-life planning, helping you make decisions now that will transform death into the culmination of a life well-lived...rather than an unplanned and unexpected event.

This course will increase your comfort level as you review your options.  It will provide a road map that offers relief, enjoyment and satisfaction as you make your end-of-life decisions before it is too late.

Once you accept the opportunity and responsibility to make end-of-life decisions now, you realize such planning actually frees you to live life to the fullest as long as you can.

This six-session video Course is offered on-line to churches, schools, and other organizations. The six topics of the Course are:

  1. Benefits of End-of-Life Planning:
       Advantages of making plans ahead of time
  2. Thoughtful Planning is a Wonderful Gift:
       To yourself and those who love you
  3. Planning Your Grande Finale:
       Your funeral/memorial service
  4. Passing on Your Values and Your Valuables:
       Your belief system and your cherished possessions
  5. Living Bodaciously:
       Add more joy to your life
  6. Spirituality When It Really Counts:
       Strengthening your faith

Published by The Life Connection (TLC) Foundation, which sets the price.

Information about the course:

Email -
or visit -

4501 Westlake Dr.
Austin, TX 78746

You Only Die Once